Boldt Castle Part 1

Visiting Boldt Castle was a huge highlight. We took a small boat to get there and it only took about 10 minutes from the shore, and the water offers some great views of the buildings. Boldt Castle was built starting in 1900, but before construction was done in 1904, owner George Boldt's wife died, causing him to stop all work on the island and leave it. It was abandoned till the mid 70s, when it began to be restored.

The castle is in the middle of Heart Island (which is actually shaped like a heart) but there's also this small house of the shore that was apparently built for the owner George Boldt's mother-in-law. 

One of my favorite parts of the island was this building, which was built first and used as a playhouse for the children. I was so happy to see that while they were restoring it, they let people in to see what state it was in. The only thing that seemed to be left was the small bowling alley, but there was a lot of things carved and written on the walls, some from over 50 years ago ! 


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